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legal guardian

taking care of you.

Two people under umbrella
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  2. Access to exclusive legal benefits
  3. Check your Legal Health in minutes
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Discover Your Legal Health Score
Your legal health score is personal to you. Take control with Legal Guardian, check and boost your legal health.
How does Legal Guardian work?
Tell Us About You
We start by using AI to carry out your legal assessment.
Health Review
Our AI will carefully review your data to create your Legal Health Score, which reflects the current state of your legal affairs.
Improve Your Legal Health
Based on your Legal Health Score, we provide personalised recommendations to enhance your legal well-being, such as updating your will, protecting your assets, or addressing any legal gaps.
Your Free Membership
Fist in the air
We're all about giving you the information you need. Knowing where you stand legally is the first step to shaping your future.
Heart in message bubble
Peace of Mind
Feel at ease knowing your legal stuff is sorted. Say goodbye to restless nights stressing over what might happen.
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Secure & Confidential
We're committed to keeping your information safe. Rest assured, your details are kept private and secure when you share them with us.
Get expert advice and exclusive offers from our partners. From Free Wills to complex legal matters
Find Out Your Legal Health Score Today
Ready to take control of your legal game and set yourself up for a worry-free future?

Setup takes less than 10 minutes

Let's get cracking on boosting your Legal Health Score!
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© 2024 Legal GuardianLegal Guardian is a Limited Company registered at 20-22, Wenlock Road, London, England, N1 7GU under company registration number 14619644.